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Geochemical data collection (current version) - state wide.

Geochemical data collection (current version) - state wide.
Category: Geoscientific Data Packages Product Code: MP-D-172012

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Product description:


Geological Survey of Victoria's Geochemistry database contains data for surface geochemical samples from mineral exploration programs across Victoria. The data is provided in a simplified relational data base structure in |-delimited ACSII files.


Location of samples has involved matching the scale of hard copy plots with enlargements of the relevant AUSLIG 100K drainage base. Two methods were utilised when locating soil sample points. Regional traverses (ridge and spur lines etc.) were transferred to AMG controlled film base maps and digitised. Grid soil samples were located by grid transformation. The base line and main soil lines from these grids were located using the drainage bases and transferred to AMG controlled film base maps.
Two common points having both known local and AMG co-ordinates were digitised, together with at least two check points. These parameters were then used to obtain AMG co-ordinates for the samples only having local grid co-ordinates.
The AMG co-ordinates for the check points were compared with the results obtained from grid transformation. If these comparisons were within acceptable limits (eg. ±100 -200m) then the AMG
co-ordinates were imported into the data base. Check screen and hard copy plotting and comparison with the original maps were all employed as further quality control steps. If the check points were not within acceptable limits, attempts were made to obtain better original map data.
The common points utilised in each individual grid transformation are stored in the grid_id library. Independently, assay data is retrieved, often by transfer from maps and then key punched together
with any information about data sources (eg. reference #, EL #), assay techniques, collection method,
location control etc.
In 2009/2010 the GSV geochemistry database underwent major renovation and updating, resulting in the attached files which are structured differently to the database releases from previous years.


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