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Discovery - November 1998

    Discovery - November 1998
Category: Discovery Magazine Product Code: MP-P-42072

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Regular features

Getting it right on the environment
Pat McNamara reviews environmental developments

Industry news
What's happening in the Victorian resources industry

Mineral resources map
A visual review of Victoria’s major mineral resources

Licence review
Up-to-date news on exploration licences

Oil and gas resources
Victoria's major petroleum resouces

Coming to terms with safety
David Lea reviews industry safety issues


Oil, gas reforms
Major changes are underway to Victoria's petroleum legislation

New decline fires up enthusiasm
New Bendigo starts tunnelling work

It's a golden merger
A major new exploration group is formed at Ballarat

Delivering environmental results
The mining industry is spending big on environmental research

New players to rush our beaches
Rio Tinto's decision to quit exploration areas opens new opportunities

Vic team is tops
A local team wins national mine safety competition

Fosterville ready for next step
New technology will lift gold output at Fosterville

A hot transport idea
A Melbourne firm pioneers a new technique to transport aluminium

Gemstones in Victoria
We have a good story to tell on gemstones

Hot trail to new finds
Geologist Martin Hughes reviews his paper to the IAGOD conference