GSV Report 67 - Explanatory notes on the Carrajung and Darriman 1:50 000 geological maps
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Product description:Introduction The Carrajung and Darriman 1:50 000 map area is located in south Gippsland. It is bounded by latitudes 38°15’S and 38°30’S and longitudes 146°30’E and 147°E. The area was geologically mapped from March 1976 to November 1976 by P.S. Roberts and S.P. Carey of the Department of Minerals and Energy. Mapping involved detailed ground survey, reference to subsurface data and aerial photograph interpretation, using 1:80 000 (Warragul Mapsheet, Runs 3E, 4; 1967) and 1:25 000 (Traralgon Mapsheet, Runs 1-7; 1972) scale photographs. The mapping was plotted on the Carrajung and Darriman 1:50 000 provisional topographic maps, supplied by the Department of Crown Lands and Survey. The mapping is part of a co-ordinated programme of mapping and drilling being conducted by the Department of Minerals and Energy, and the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, to assess Victoria’s brown coal resources. Download The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format (2.2MB). Bibliographic reference Roberts, P.S., 1981. Explanatory notes on the Carrajung and Darriman 1:50 000 geological maps. Geological Survey of Victoria Report 67. Department of Minerals & Energy, Victoria. Related products: