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GU Report 23 - Consolidated geochemistry data for the Gold Undercover area

GU Report 23 - Consolidated geochemistry data for the Gold Undercover area
Category: Gold Undercover Reports Product Code: MP-R-37334

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Executive Summary GeoScience Victoria (GSV) stores data for over 72 000 stream sediment and 370 000 soil samples from licence areas across Victoria in a geochemistry database. These data have been captured and entered by a variety of methods, resulting in data of variable quality in the database.

The GSV Gold Undercover Geochemistry Project (GU05), in conjunction with Gold Undercover Information Development Project 2 (GUIDe 02), rectified errors identified in the database structure to facilitate the storage of updated and quality assured geochemistry data. A new database structure, together with documented processes for quality control (QC) and data migration, will allow effective quality assurance (QA) of all open file surface geochemistry data collected from now on. This project deals only with geochemistry data from the Gold Undercover area.

This report presents an overview of the process of database consolidation and quality assurance of which the key outcomes are:
  • the creation of a “new” geochemistry database that consolidates all geochemistry data into a single point of access. The database includes a new data model that better accommodates the geochemistry data fields required to effectively store and deliver the data
  • improved integrity of the geochemistry data accepted into the new geochemistry database. This process also involves QC of selected data fields while they are transferred into the new database.
Download The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format. Appendices are also supplied in a separate ZIP file.

Bibliographic reference House, E.R., Lynch-Nieukerke, H.K. & Roberts, R., 2010. Consolidated geochemistry data for the Gold Undercover area. GeoScience Victoria Gold Undercover Report 23. Department of Primary Industries.

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