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PESA Victorian Supplement 1999

PESA Victorian Supplement 1999
Category: PESA Victorian Supplement Product Code: MP-P-50384

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Product description:

Download The downloadable version of the PESA Supplement is supplied in PDF format.

Contents The 1999 supplement includes:
  • Minister's Statement

  • Industry Year Review

  • Infrastructure Projects

  • Pipelines and Fields Map

  • New Gas Players - Texas Utilities, Santos, Duke Energy, Eagle Bay Resources

  • 1999 Acreage Release - Onshore Otway Basin, Torquay Sub-basin V99-1, Gippsland Basin V99-2

  • Basin Studies Overview

  • VIMP 2001

  • Gippsland Deepwater Seismic

  • Petroleum Resources

  • Profile of Victorian Players - Bass Strait Oil Company, Esso - Blackback Development

  • Petroleum Information