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Geological storage opportunities for carbon capture and storage in Victoria

Geological storage opportunities for carbon capture and storage in Victoria
Category: Special Publications Product Code: MP-R-50401

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The State Government’s Provincial Victorian Statement, Moving Forward, provided $1.5 million to establish the Developing the Latrobe Valley Resources Future project, to support and encourage new investment in the brown coal resources of the Latrobe Valley (Department of Premier and Cabinet, 2005). The Victorian Government is keen for these resources to be used in an environmentally responsible manner, and one possible method for reducing large volumes of greenhouse gas emissions is through carbon capture and storage (CCS).

This review has been undertaken to determine the potential for geological storage opportunities for CCS within the State of Victoria and its adjacent waters. The study aims to asses the geology of known sedimentary basins in Victoria and to review the results against existing criteria for evaluation of CO2 geological storage potential, using public domain data sources. This report provides a summary of the basin-scale suitability of Victoria for CCS, and identifies and prioritises potential Victorian CO2 geological storage opportunities, in both onshore and offshore geological settings.

Download The downloadable version of this report is supplied in PDF format.

Bibliographic reference Gibson-Poole, C M, Edwards, S, Langford, R P and Vakarelov, B, 2007. Review of Geological Storage Opportunities for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Victoria – Summary Report. Australian School of Petroleum, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide. ICTPL Consultancy Report Number ICTPL-RPT07-0526.