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GSV TR2017/2 - Heat flow mapping, Werribee region, Victoria

GSV TR2017/2 - Heat flow mapping, Werribee region, Victoria
Category: Geothermal Reports Product Code: MP-R-149782

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Product description:

Executive Summary
Two new heat flow estimates address the paucity of geothermal data in the Werribee region. The Geothermal Atlas Project undertaken by the Geological Survey of Victoria saw the compilation and collection of new geothermal data across Victoria. It included estimates of crustal heat flow from boreholes that penetrate to a depth below the interference of surficial climate effects. The data in this report was collected from 2 water investigation bores drilled by City West Water. Detailed temperature data was collected from the bores by the Geological Survey of Victoria and rock thermal conductivity was estimated from earlier Geothermal Atlas Project measurements on the same rock units. Heat flow estimates were then derived from this data. Like much of the other sparse data collected over the Melbourne Zone, the heat flow is higher than typical for much of Victoria and this may reflect the presence of the underlying continental basement of the Selwyn Block in this region?

TR2017-2 Heat flow mapping, Werribee region, Victoria. (PDF 1.3MB)

Bibliographic Reference
Taylor, D. 2017., Heat flow mapping, Werribee region, Victoria. Technical Record 2017/2.

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