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GSV TR2015/2 - Geothermal heat flow map of Victoria

GSV TR2015/2 - Geothermal heat flow map of Victoria
Category: Geothermal Reports Product Code: MP-R-107532

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Product description:

Executive Summary
To assess Victoria’s geothermal resource potential, the Geological Survey of Victoria led the Geothermal Atlas Project between 2010 and 2015. During this time, extensive geothermal data was directly collected and also compiled from exploration companies and university research. Precision temperature logs from 242 bores (totalling approximately 74,000 logged metres) resulted in 175 heat flow estimates considered to be of reliable quality. This report presents the new heat flow estimates that significantly expand on the ten previously published geothermal heat flow estimates based on similar temperature logs and thermal conductivity measurements. Over much of western and central Victoria, the close spacing of the expanded new data allows for meaningful interpolation between the data points to create a map of surface heat flow. This new data will assist in better understanding geothermal resource potential, assist in hydrocarbon maturity modelling for oil and gas prospectivity and also shows correlation to the fundamental crustal architecture of Victoria. Much of Victoria has heat flow values as can be expected for typical Palaeozoic continental areas (60 – 70 mW/m2). A change in heat flow from lower values in the west, to slightly higher values further east occurs in the Grampians-Stavely region where the bedrock transitions from the older Delamerian Fold Belt in the west (once an extended Late Proterozoic continental margin) to the younger Lachlan Fold Belt in the east (an accreted assemblage of Palaeozoic oceanic terranes). A region of high heat flow around Ballarat to the northwest of Melbourne could be related to heat flow associated with parts of the Newer Volcanic Province.

TR2015-2 Geothermal heat flow map of Victoria (PDF 2.3MB)

Bibliographic Reference
Taylor, D. & Mather, B., 2015. Geothermal heat flow map of Victoria. Geological Survey of Victoria Technical Record 2015/2.

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