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GSV TR2017/1 - Rock thermal conductivity measurements, Deep Otway Basin, Victoria

GSV TR2017/1 - Rock thermal conductivity measurements, Deep Otway Basin, Victoria
Category: Geothermal Reports Product Code: MP-R-149780

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Product description:

Executive Summary
This report records the data collected from an additional 89 drill core samples mostly measured from deeper and older stratigraphic units within the Otway Basin. In addition to the rock parameters measured in previous sampling efforts for other rock packages (i.e. thermal conductivity, density and porosity), the petrophysical properties of specific heat capacity and thermal diffusivity were also recorded. All this data was measured for the Geological Survey of Victoria under contract in the laboratory of Hot Dry Rocks Pty Ltd. This expanded data for the Otway Basin allows the representative values for its various stratigraphic units to be revised. Despite the diversity of basement lithologies, they had a relatively narrow range of thermal conductivity (3.3 – 3.8 W/mK). The quartz rich rocks of the deepest Otway Basin stratigraphy had thermal conductivities and densities similar to the bedrock. The thick volcanolithic packages of the Cretaceous rift fill sequences are less conductive and have a strong relationship to porosity that should be accounted for in any regional modelling work. Where porosity is high the conductivity is low (1.3 – 2.3 W/mK) and where porosity is low the conductivity is higher (1.8 – 2.5 W/mK). High porosity and mud and limestone rich lithologies in much of the younger stratigraphy results in surprisingly low conductivity (1.0 – 1.5 W/mK) which makes them effective thermal insulators. This additional data makes the representative sampling of the Otway Basin similar to the previous work already done for other parts of Victoria.

TR2017-1 Rock thermal conductivity measurements, Deep Otway Basin, Victoria. (PDF 800kb)

Bibliographic Reference
Antriasian, A., Egan, S., Taylor, D., & Mather, B., 2017. Rock thermal conductivity measurements, Deep Otway Basin, Victoria. Technical Record 2017/1.

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